
Course Creation

Creating a course

Sometimes little decisions can create large ripples in your world. Deciding to create your own publishable course could be the wisest choice you’ll ever make. Well done! You know you have the raw material. With our help and guidelines, you can turn that into valuable teaching that connects with thousands of students and rewards you well. We’re excited for you!

Where to begin?

We’ve broken the process into straightforward, realisable tasks, making it easy to choose your topic, plan your course and structure your content. We’ve also compiled a bank of really useful information and tips from people who’ve done this before. Browse through our list of links and choose the ones you find most relevant and helpful.

Getting started

Beginning your project can be both daunting and exciting. It can be difficult to know where to start. To make it easier for you, we’ve structured this part of the process into 4 steps:

  • 1Plan an outline.
  • 2Decide on your content.
  • 3Tailor content to template.
  • 4How to publish.

We’ve illustrated some steps with screenshots of existing courses so you can see what the finished product looks like.

Plan an outline

Planning an outline to your course is the foundation to your project. Getting this right will support all other tasks on your course creation journey.

These are the most important elements to your outline:

  • Define the scope of your chosen topic.
  • Decide on the course goals.
  • Choose how you will teach the information.
  • Discover the most suitable style.
  • Design practical elements.

Define the scope of your chosen topic.

Think about your chosen topic. What courses are already available in this field? How can yours offer something better, more useful or more relevant? Do you know your target audience and their needs and preferences well? Decide on the course goals. Your course must include definable goals for your students. What specific skills and achievements will they have on completion? When you focus on tangible goals it helps in composing the course content needed to reach these.

Choose how you will teach the information.

Having identified course goals, now think about the best method you can use to teach the knowledge and skills needed. Break down goals into incremental stages and plan each section with these in mind. Choosing a distinct format helps students to feel confident and helps you to be organised and structured.

Discover the most suitable style.

Put yourself in the students’ shoes and consider what teaching style would best suit your topic. Should the tone of voice be friendly or formal? Think about the level of technical language, humour, staying on point, including helpful tips etc.

Design practical elements.

It is generally a big advantage to add practical activities to your content so students can put their learning into practice. Exercises, questions and quizzes encourage interactive thinking and bring new ideas to life. Once you’ve planned your outline, you’re ready to decide on your content.

Decide on your content

This is where you can shine! Show your expertise in your chosen area with well thought out, relevant and informative content. Is everything you’re including of definite benefit to the students in your target audience? Is it interesting and informative? Would it make them want to take another course authored by you?

Hassle-free publishing!

When you’ve completed your content and you’re happy with all aspects, you’re ready for publishing. This is where Clickary Solutions make things easy for you.

We’ve set up everything you need to get your course published and in front of hundreds of thousands of students, completely hassle free. All you need to do is make sure your course content is presented in the format which we will clearly outline and we’ll do the rest. This means you can free yourself from all the ins and out of getting published, getting exposure and getting known and concentrate on producing excellent work that stands out.

The final polish

If you’ve completed all your course content, structured it into modules, added practical elements and assessments, WELL DONE!! This is a wonderful achievement and you’re well on your way to being a published and earning author.

Before you submit your work to our team for review, take time to step back from the course and view it objectively in its entirety. Read it through from a user’s point of view and be constructively critical in your assessment of how it comes across. Is there more you’d like to add? Anything you’d like to take out? Does it fulfill the learning goals you set in your outline?

Complete any final touches that are needed.

When you’re happy it meets all your requirements, submit the full course to us for our internal review. We’ll check that it fits our course templates, and that the content has all elements needed to meet Clickary Solutions course criteria.


Reap your rewards with highly effective promotion!

You’ve done the hard work, now sit back and let us take over.

We have developed a finely tuned and sophisticated sales and marketing department that represents all our published authors. All you need to do now is watch the numbers sign up and your bank balance grow!

We have many years of experience in all aspects of online education. We’ve studied students’ patterns, interests and learning appetites. We know what sells well, what gets good feedback and what inspires students to want more.

We continually monitor the performances of all our published courses closely, track consumer behaviour and, based on this insightful information, tailor specific marketing strategies to carefully chosen audiences.

Sales and marketing is an integral part of the Clickary Solutions package. You can relax and trust that the work you’ve invested your time, energy and sweat in is in good hands!